Enhancing Resilience Planning and Strengthening Community Preparedness Project
In alignment with MRC’s Strategic Priority 1: Strengthening Emergency Response, and Priority 3: Facilitate Planning for Resilience, MRC, in partnership with National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), is currently implementing the project Enhancing Resilience Planning and Strengthening Community Preparedness (ERCP).
The project is supported by United States Agency for International Development Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID BHA), with the overall goal to enhance and strengthen risk-based resilience planning at island and city levels and strengthen locally led preparedness and mitigation actions through systematic capacity building of existing resources and tools in island communities in the Maldives. The project will support the existing community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) programs carried out within Maldives led by NDMA.
Project Outcomes
1. Strengthen technical and operational capacities of local communities in conducting risk-based planning at island and city levels to prepare for and mitigate disaster impacts.
2. Building local community emergency response capacity to sustain and institutionalize preparedness and mitigation efforts at the local/City levels.
3. Development of National Level Risk Assessment guideline in Coordination with relevant stakeholders to standardize risk assessments carried out nationally and contribute towards resilience-based Island and City Development planning.