Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment

Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment

IFRC Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) is the world's largest volunteer-based humanitarian network, focusing on disaster response and early recovery efforts through both immediate and long-term services. IFRC’s strategy for 2030 aims to help vulnerable people anticipate, respond to, and recover from crises, leading to safe, healthy, and thriving communities. To achieve this, IFRC has developed the Framework for Community Resilience, supported by the Roadmap for Community Resilience, which incorporates the Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (EVCA). The EVCA, integrated into the roadmap, assesses 11 dimensions of resilience, including climate change, gender, and diversity, providing guidance for urban and conflict contexts using appropriate technology.

Contextualized Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment

A key outcome for the ERCP project will be developing and strengthening technical and operational capacities of local communities in conducting risk-based planning at island and city levels to prepare for and mitigate disaster impacts. One of the main outputs for the project will be the development of a contextualized Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (EVCA) toolkit and guideline for the Maldives. 

EVCA Training of Trainers Workshop 

Through the ERCP project, we are having a EVCA Training of Trainers Workshop. The main objective of the workshop is to empower trainers with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to effectively facilitate participatory community risk assessments using the EVCA toolkits, integrating climate change, gender, health, livelihoods and diversity considerations, and fostering community resilience.

Skills you will learn:

Enhanced Community Risk Assessment: Participants will learn how to conduct community risk assessments using the Enhanced VCA toolbox, which includes step-by-step guidance tailored to analyze and visualize the resources, vulnerabilities and hazards in a community.

Gender and Diversity Analysis: Participants will learn how to analyze gender and diversity considerations in community risk assessments, ensuring that vulnerabilities and capacities of diverse community members are considered.

Facilitation Techniques: Participants will learn facilitation skills to effectively lead participatory risk assessment processes, including techniques for engaging community members and fostering inclusive discussions.

Communication of Risk Findings: Participants will learn how to communicate risk assessment findings to community members and stakeholders in a clear and understandable manner, facilitating informed decision-making and action.

Training Delivery Skills: Participants will learn how to design and deliver training sessions on EVCA to other trainers or community members, ensuring that key concepts are effectively conveyed and understood.

Learn more about the EVCA Training of Trainers here.