Priority 1 - Strengthening Emergency Response

Priority 1 - Strengthening Emergency Response

Priority 1 focuses primarily on the institutional aspect of the emergency response role in disaster risk management in the Maldives. This strategy builds on MRC’s existing capacity, experiences, and strengths in providing emergency response services through the community based ERTs. The strategy involves increasing ERT operation in MRC Units, increasing the capacity of ERTs through training, and advocating for the standardization of emergency response trainings at national level. 

Emergency response is a key role as mandated by the MRC Law, as an auxiliary organisation to public authorities. This strategy also establishes MRC’s focus and priority explicitly on emergency response. However, within this Priority, it is recognized that MRC would continue to extend support to various stakeholders that lead emergency preparedness activities such as preparing school and hospital emergency operational plans, facilitating disaster response drills, evacuations, and testing early warning communication.