National Societies

To participate in the Movement a National Society must first be recognized by the ICRC and then admitted to the International Federation. There are ten conditions for recognition listed in the Statutes of the Movement. They include such requirements as autonomous status recognized under national legislation, the use of a recognized emblem and adherence to the Fundamental Principles. There can only be one society in each country and it must be constituted on the territory of an independent State.
This last condition was waived by a resolution of the 30th International Conference in 2007 in the case of the Palestine Red Crescent Society.
Every two years, the National Societies and their Federation meet in a General Assembly. Immediately afterwards, the ICRC joins them in what is known as the Council of Delegates. This body discusses strategic issues of importance to the Movement.
Every four years, the whole Movement meets with all States that are party to the Geneva Conventions in what is known as the International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. This body can also be called at other times to deal with issues faced by the Movement.
A nine-member Standing Commission organizes the conferences. Five of its members are elected during the International Conference. The four ex-officio members, two each from the ICRC and the International Federation, currently include the presidents of both institutions.
The regular meeting of the Movement and governments in international conferences is unique in humanitarian affairs. It reflects the history and origins of the ICRC and Red Cross and Red Crescent societies, and the central importance of international humanitarian law, in particular the Geneva Conventions.
In operations, the Movement has adopted the Seville Agreement to clarify the role and responsibilities of its components in various situations. The lead role concept aims to maximize the Movement’s impact by strengthening coordination and eliminating overlap and duplication of effort.
Since the Movement works with non-governmental organizations in the field, it has also developed a code of conduct to ensure high standards in providing assistance to victims of wars and disasters.