Kulhudhuffushi City Unit
Youth Member - Aishath Afa Ali

Youth Member - Aishath Afa Ali

Elected at the Kulhudhuffushi City Unit Assembly for the term of 2023 -2025

Aishath Afa Ali joined the Maldivian Red Crescent in 2020, actively participating in the MRC’s Covid19 response efforts. In 2021, she embarked on a governance journey, assuming the role of Youth Member in the Kulhudhuffushi City Unit and later joined MRC Kulhudhuffushi City Office as a full-time staff member.

Afa is a trained volunteer in First Aid, Psyscholgical First Aid and emergency response. She has also completed numerous trainings organized by MRC including the migration practitonar, gender-based violence as well as a trained Enhanced Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (eVCA) facilitator.

In addition to her involvement with the MRC, Ms. Afa is actively engaged in environmental conservation and climate change efforts. She currently holds a position as a Council Officer for Environment, Conservation, and Waste Management at the Kulhudhuffushi City Council.