Sh. Komandoo Strengthens Disaster Preparedness with Youth at the Forefront

This initiative builds upon the strong foundation already established in Sh. Komandoo. The island has a well-established Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and a fair percentage of residents trained in Standard First Aid and Psychological First Aid. However, the IDMP process identified gaps in specific areas, particularly concerning DRR awareness amongst young people.
Recognizing the need to equip future generations with lifesaving skills, MRC conducted targeted awareness sessions in Sh. Komandoo. On June 7th, students from Sh. Atoll Education Center participated in both First Aid and Psychological First Aid sessions.
The First Aid session delved into the fundamentals of basic first aid, incident management, and caring for casualties in various states. Students even received hands-on training in CPR!
The Psychological First Aid session highlighted common distress reactions, the crucial "look, listen, and link" approach, and the importance of self-care. These sessions empowered students to not only provide initial care but also manage emotional responses effectively during emergencies.
Building upon the importance of practical knowledge, a fire awareness session was held on June 8th in collaboration with the Fire and Rescue Services. This session focused on common causes of fire incidents in the Maldives and equipped students with various fire-fighting techniques using different fire equipment. As an extension of practical support, MRC donated an additional 15 fire extinguishers to the school.
A 14-year-old student shared, "It was my first time being able to practically use fire equipment and that was great because I am more aware on what to do if there is a fire at school or at home." This sentiment reflects the project's efforts to empower young people to take an active role in ensuring a safe and prepared community.