MRC Interim President, SG and Governing Board members meet with Vice President of the Maldives

MRC Interim President Rasheeda Ali, Secretary General Fathimath Himya and members of the governing board met with the Vice President of the Maldives, Uz. Hussain Mohamed Latheef, on 9th January 2024.
During the meeting, MRC Interim President Rasheeda and SG Himya provided an overview of the organization, its areas of operation, and the progress made by the national society over the past 15 years. MRC Interim President Rasheeda also emphasized the ongoing review process of the MRC Act [07/2009] and sought support from the government in the process which would further strengthen the MRC Act and legal base of the national society.
MRC Treasurer, Sharafufdden offered insights into the financial transparency and accountability of MRC, stressing on the importance of financial sustainability to provide the services in the communities. Ibrahim Shameel, Manager of Programmes & Services provided an overview of key on-going programmes and services aligned with MRC's strategic plan for 2019-2030 and the overall impact of the organization between 2020 – 2023. He further highlighted the significant contributions of volunteers in delivering humanitarian services during emergencies and non-emergencies across the country.
Governing Board member Fathimath underscored the importance of inclusivity, humanitarian values, and volunteerism in MRC’s work highlighting the inclusive approach of MRC in executing Programmes and Services. She further acknowledged the vital support provided and required by the government to ensure that all Programmes & Services remain inclusive to ensure that the most vulnerable are not left behind. In addition, the challenges faced by the Male City Office of MRC due to limited office space and limitations with proper parking of vehicles of the Unit was also discussed in the meeting.
Vice President Uz. Hussain Mohamed Latheef expressed his appreciation for the significant contributions of MRC volunteers, members, and staff, in particularly during emergencies. He reiterated the government’s commitment in working with MRC and recognised the vital role MRC has played since it’s formation in delivering humanitarian services across the country.