MRC successfuly concludes Partnership Forum 2023

Partnerships Towards Resilience : MRC’s Partnership Forum 2023 is a bi-annual event which aims to bring together existing partners, collaborators, supporters and key stakeholders to present progress of MRC's work as well as discusss potential key areas of for co-creationg and continued partnership with MRC. MRC hosted 39 attendee's from 20+ partners across from Government Agencies, State institutions, international organizations, Civil Society and Corporations in this year's forum.
During the forum, MRC presented a series of interactive presentations providing an insight to our work, areas of expertise and future plans to realize MRC's Strategic Plan 2019-2030. The sessions aimed to provide progress updates on the key Programmes and Projects carried out by MRC between 2020 - 2023 while also faciliating discussions with partners attending the forum.
We believe that the success of our humanitarian efforts and our commitment to aiding the vulnerable and fostering community resilience relies on the excellence of the Programmes crafted through collaborations and partnerships.